It's a really exciting idea, we never finished our original version of "Bit" and I'd like to see such a solid and unique concept have our names attached to it, not to mention that the visual style of bit would perfectly transition to the IPhone, Our end beta-Esq product showed real potential and this would be a chance to actually have a finished product of "The first game I ever made from scratch".
but the more I think about the Legal side of making a game that had so many students attached to its conceptualization the more I get a headache, Now I want to have nothing to do with the Law side of things... NOTHING, my brain just does not go down that lane in a productive way. So I'm thinking maybe it would be wise to enlist the help of a student from another University or College (or a real "Man of Law/Lawyer" but the cheaper the better) to draft up some contracts and run us through what we need to do in terms of making everything legit... then there's the issue of purchasing copies of Adobe software which in the long term would be beneficially but when your a student with no money looking at only making a few bucks out of an IPhone game the sense seems to fade fast, which of course is going to leave me looking for free alternatives that allow commercial use.
But forgetting the subject that haunts my dreams, It's the concept I'm looking forward to expanding on. When you're as passionate about a concept as I am about bit the new idea's seem to flow like a river and it's in this thought that I have a never ending confidence in the concept itself, it seems limitless at this point. Remaking all the art is going to bliss as well... as a self proclaimed artist there is nothing like making some old art look better... cause your harshest critic in the end is always going to be yourself.
I've made an image to show how the art will look compared to how it did in it's first project stage, It's the 16-bit character. It might not seem like much but I believe it has a very defining quality.
UPDATE 20/10/09: Finished upgrading the walk cycle of the "Red Round" character and thought I would mock up how it might look on the IPhone.
~ Scott ~